
Transnational Project Meeting
The third Transnational Project Meeting of the project STUDIO – Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation, promoted by the Union of Councillors within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, Higher Education sector KA203, concludes today.
Representatives from UKE Università Kore Enna – pagina ufficiale, Slovenská poľnohospodárska knižnica pri SPU , Universitatea din București, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC , Consorzio Tartaruga and the Association of Agricultural and Environmental Lawyers, and a Romanian for-profit organisation, Sorangeli Trans SRL, attended the meeting.
During the meeting, the activities of the last year of the project were planned, in particular, the realisation of the Winter School Studio planned for January 2023, which will give 40 students from the universities involved the opportunity to participate in an innovative Intensive Study Programme, on the concepts of Sociability and Urban Happiness, as new perspectives of participation in urban planning.

On 14th and 15th November 2022, in Nitra (Slovakia) took place The fourth Transnational Project Meeting of the project STUDIO – Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation, promoted by the Union of Councillors within the framework of the Erasmus + programme, Higher Education sector KA203.
Representatives from UKE Università Kore Enna – pagina ufficiale, Slovenská poľnohospodárska knižnica pri SPU , Universitatea din București, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC , Consorzio Tartaruga Association of Agricultural and Environmental Lawyers, and a Romanian for-profit organisation, Sorangeli Trans SRL, attended the meeting.
The meeting was a useful opportunity to deepen the development of the ongoing activities, assess the progress of the implemented activities and plan the upcoming Winter School to be held in Enna, from 15 to 30 January 2023, which will see the participation of 40 students from the universities involved.
In addition, starting in February, the students will have the opportunity to test what they have learnt in concrete case studies of the municipalities of the lead partner Union of Councillors on the concepts of Sociability and Urban Happiness, as new perspectives of participation in urban planning.

The 5th and final Transnational Project Meeting of the project Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation was held in Bucharest at The Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Bucharest on June 6 and 7, 2023.
The meeting has been attended, in presence and online, by cooridination team from the partnership, to discuss about the latest project activities, the progress of ongoing activities and to assess the impact of what has been achieved to date.
The opportunity for sharing was also useful for planning new projects and ideas that can be presented in the next calls.

Multiplier Events
On February 16, 2023 the Multiplier event with the title „Urban Planning, Social Policies and Sociability: The results of the analyses and the identified training needs“ was organized by the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SUA) with support of the Association of Agrarian and Environmental Lawyers (AAEL).
The event was attended by 55 Slovak and European professionals and students. The day was held in two sessions, presenting results and sharing, with focus about the publication of IO1 – Promoting sociability in the urban environments i.e., the scientific project publication prepared by the partnership.

The 2nd Multiplier Event of the project Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation was held on June 17th in Petralia Sottana at the former Convent of the Reformed Fathers.
An important sharing moment organized by the Unione degli Assessorati in collaboration with Consorzio Tartaruga and Università Kore di Enna e Associazione GAM – Politiche per i territori pto discussed the main issues and opportunities of promoting sociability in the area and the results of the project STUD.IO.
The event was attended by various representatives of the Sicilian public and private sectors, having involved among the stakeholders administrators, architects, surveyors, third sector associations and mayors of several Sicilian municipalities in order to present what were the results of the STUD.IO project.
The event, which was divided into two sessions, first saw the presentation of the outputs of the study project, with particular attention to the scientific publication presented by the Enna KORE University referents present at the event, of the E-Learning platform and the Joint Curriculum, with the presentation of the results of the Winter School, and finally of the experimentation conducted in the project municipalities.
In the afternoon, a panel discussion with representatives from politics, academia, and civil society moved several issues for the improvement of conditions in urban centers, with special attention to small rural municipalities.
The event was an opportunity to promote exchange of ideas with the possibility of continuing the course of the STUD.IO project.

Another Multiplier Event took place on June 13th 2023 in Barcelona, Spain. Entitled A Research Experience: Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation, the event gathered together 55 participants that had the opportunity to be presented with the results of the STUD.IO project. The Multiplier Event was organized within the framework of the Barcelona School of Architecture’s doctoral conferences, under the lead of professors Eulàlia Gómez Escoda and Alvaro Clua, from the Department of Urbanism, Territory and Landscape, who presented their experience in the project.


Erasmus+ Project STUD.IO Sociability Through Urban Design Innovation 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079833
Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships for adult education

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